Wetlands of International Importance
Every contracting party to the Ramsar Convention is obliged to designate, at least, one site that meets the Ramsar criteria for inclusion in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (the Ramsar List). By signing the Convention, the Contracting Party also undertakes the obligation to ensure the maintenance of the ecological character of each Ramsar site and to promote the wise use of all wetlands within its territory. The List of Ramsar sites includes 2 225 sites in 169 Contracting Parties, with a total area of over 214 290 985 ha, as of the 1st January, 2016.
The Czech Republic has designated, up until now, 14 Ramsar sites with a total area of 60 207 ha. The national protection status of these sites are: national parks (RS1 and RS7), protected landscape areas (RS2, RS5, RS6, RS8, RS10, R11, RS13, RS14 ), and national nature reserves (RS3, RS4, and partly also RS9, R12 ). Most of the wetland biotopes inside the protected landscape areas are further protected as nature reserves.
- RS01 Šumavská rašeliniště (Šumava peatlands): 10 224.539 ha, year of designation 1990
- RS02 Třeboňské rybníky (Třeboň fishponds): 9 623.674 ha, year of designation 1990
- RS03 Novozámecký a Břehyňský rybník (Novozámecký and Břehyňský fishponds): 927.150 ha, year of designation 1990
- RS04 Lednické rybníky (Lednice fishponds): 690.960 ha, year of designation 1990
- RS05 Litovelské Pomoraví (Litovelské Pomoraví): 6 194.278 ha, year of designation 1993
- RS06 Poodří (Poodří): 4 427.356 ha, year of designation 1993
- RS07 Krkonošská rašeliniště (Krkonoše Mountains mires): 250.692 ha, year of designation 1993
- RS08 Třeboňská rašeliniště (Třeboň peatlands): 1 051.226 ha, year of designation 1993
- RS09 Mokřady dolního Podyjí (Floodplain of lower Dyje River): 11 524.851 ha, year of designation 1993
- RS10 Mokřady Liběchovky a Pšovky (Liběchovka and Pšovka Brooks): 361.041 ha, year of designation 1998
- RS11 Podzemní Punkva (Punkva subterranean stream): 1 571.620 ha, year of designation 2004
- RS12 Krušnohorská rašeliniště (Krušnohorské Mountains mires): 11 223.830 ha, year of designation 2006
- RS13 Horní Jizera (Jizera Headwaters): 2 302.909 ha, year of designation 2012
- RS14 Pramenné vývěry a rašeliniště Slavkovského lesa (Springs and Mires of the Slavkov Forest): 3 202.344 ha, year of designation 2012